aniMotion Products

Biko Progressive
(PR) Bands

Another option to treat
Hind Limb Weakness!

aniMotion Products

Biko Sports Bands
for Athlete and
Working Dogs

Biko PR Bands

Biko PR Bands

Introducing the Biko Progressive Resistance (PR) Bands for Hind Limb Weakness

The Biko PR Bands is an elastic resistance device that helps provide more stability and control for dogs suffering from conditions that cause hind limb weakness/paresis.

Because hind limb weakness is not normal aging in a dog, early diagnosis by your veterinarian and appropriate treatment options are critical to outcome and quality of life for your dog!

The Biko PR Bands is the first and only elastic resistance device in veterinary medicine. It can be used as a mobility aid, as a strengthening device, and to improve proprioception.

aniMotion Products

Introducing the
Biko K9
Weight Cuffs

We are adding a new member
to our family of k-9 rehab and
conditioning products